
Taking down notes

The BJJ Notebook- do you have one? If you don't, get one. How could you possibly keep track of all the techniques you've learned in class? Nobody's memory is that good.
I love taking notes. My BJJ notebook is filled with techniques, drawings of techniques, flowcharts.. BJJ can get pretty nerdy if you get into it. 
Here are a few tips for keeping a BJJ notebook:

1. Details, details, details. Mention all the details that go into executing the technique. Which hand do you use? Which leg do you kick? Where do you put your head? Write it all down!
2. Videos I've divided my notes into techniques I've learned from videos and techniques I've learned in class. I make sure to mention which DVD I got the technique from and of course,I include detailed information about the moves I learned.
3.Spars Ideally, you should be logging all your spars, especially the ones you've lost. You have to figure out how that guy got your back or why you ended up in someone's triangle. Once you find the answer, the likelihood of you ending in that position again would be next to impossible.

Good luck!

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