
An update!

According to my blog, the last time I've written in here was September 2010. Nine months ago! I could've had a baby by now! I may not be pregnant, but here are some other things that have happened to me (BJJ wise) in the last 9 months :
1) I got MY BLUE BELT!
I know right. Long time coming. But I'm glad I got it when I did. When I got my fourth stripe, my guard game was virtually non-existent. I swallowed my pride and worked on my guard. Got passed like crazy (still do.. sometimes.. hehe), got squashed.. but eventually I figured it out and ended up with a more well-rounded game. Yay!

 From two became three and the numbers just kept on multiplying! What I love the most about these girls is that they're all really feisty. They either train hard or harder!

I promise to start updating my blog again. Promise, promise, promise!


  1. Welcome back and congrats on the blue! Also cool that there are so many female training partners at your gym now.

    Was there any kind of marketing push, or just word of mouth? I'd be interested to know if there was any particular reason for the jump in numbers, as it looks to have been a pretty significant increase! :D

  2. It was more of word of mouth. I think girls get more encouraged to train once they see other girls doing BJJ!

  3. Yeah: the thing to work out would be the critical mass required to get lots of women signed up.

    At my previous club, there was one purple belt woman, who is the instructor's partner. For ages, she was the only woman there. A while down the line, two other woman started training. Now there seem to be loads, which is awesome.

    I'm hoping something similar might happen where I am now. There is currently just one woman, a white belt with lots of judo experience and a few years of MMA. Hopefully her presence will help attract other women to come down and train.
