
Cross Training

Here are some pictures from a cross-training session we had two weeks ago :
(In this picture : Marc "Benignose" Benigno, Toffy "The Destroyer" Ilagan and Myself "Chipmunk BJJ")
(In this picture: Alvin "The Alvinator" Lee and Raymond "Lalake Ako" Varilla)

Cross training sessions are the best. Not only do you get to check out other games, but you get a whole new lesson and of course, taught in a different style. Training with the same people all the time is fine and dandy, but mixing it up makes it so much more interesting. You also get to hang out with your other teammates and eat in yummy places like Lugang (OH SO GOOD) and try ginormous desserts as seen below:
Red Beans with Shaved Ice
Peanut Smoothie

Thank you to Toffy, Raymond and Sam! We'll be back soon!

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