
transitioning from gi to no gi

Most Jiujitsu masters argue that once a person trains with a gi, there will be an almost seamless transition to no gi. After watching people train with no gi for the past week, it is apparent that not everyone is transitioning as smoothly as they should. A friend of mine narrowed down  his no gi experience to a single quote - "No gi, no skills."
Grips? Gone. Sneaky gi chokes? Gone. You're left with your hands, a pair of shorts and a rashguard.
I've only trained no gi several times and I truly enjoy it. I love how everything goes so fast. Because of this, you learn how to be more explosive which is something you could definitely use in training with the gi. I can see how training wrestling could be an advantage in no gi since wrestling is based on strength and explosiveness. Another plus would be good cardio because it seems easier to gas out with all the moves you do. I'm definitely looking forward to training more without the gi- something else you can add to your BJJ resume!

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